7 Simple Tips To Acquiring More Shopify Customers

3 min readJul 24, 2021

Is your Shopify store struggling due to lack of visitors ?

If yes, then your sturggles will most probably continue to grow till you are able to rank it high on Google.

To help you, I’ll have compiled a list 7 Shopify SEO tips which can get you rank high in Google

Because we all know,

Higher Rankings= More Traffic

Here you go 👇

1.Use Data-Driven Keyword Research

Conducting and implementing keyword research will optimize your pages for the search terms customers are actually using. This attracts ready-to-buy shoppers and tells Google what your store is about.

My go to tool : https://www.semrush.com/features/keyword-research/

2.Optimize Metadata

Once you have an assortment of keywords to hand, you can start to sprinkle them strategically throughout your store. Elements to focus on include your page meta descriptions, title tags, and URLs.

3.Add Alt Text to Images

Add alt text and descriptions that incorporate your researched keywords into your images to boost their ranking.

Apps like AltText can helps you populate your images with relevant, well-searched keywords.

4.Start Blogging

It might seem daunting, but blogging creates more opportunities for customers to find you, as well as increasing your ranking potential. The more pages you have, the more chance you have of showing up in searches.

5.Optimize Product Pages and Descriptions

Incorporate relevant keywords throughout your product pages, including well-thought-out descriptions and product titles and tags. Again, this will give your store context and make it easier for buy-ready shoppers to find.

6.Optimize Site Speed

If your site speed takes more than 3 seconds to load, then your bounce rate will be off the charts so make sure your site is not bloated.

Most common cause of poor page speed is large images so make sure they are compressed.

7.Add Social Proof

Consumers are 70% more likely to buy your product if you have social proof such as reviews attached so make sure you are doing your best to get as many reviews as possible.

Pro tip : Adding a face to a review is proven to work better

Following all these tips will slowly but surely help you rank higher on Google and acquire more customers.

Hopefully you enjoyed the read and found it insightful, if you have any queries feel free to comment, I reply asap. In addition to this, follow me for more such marketing articles.

Signing off





A Marketing Specialist who loves to experiment with the Art and Science of Marketing and help small businesses grow .